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transfer cars for corrugated board production

The transfer carriages are 6.7 meters long, 2.5 meters wide and connect production with logistics by bridging a driveway for industrial trucks.

Different types of pallets can be accommodated

The BINDER transfer cars can transport loads of up to 2,400 kg and are designed to accommodate various load carriers: The trolleys can hold four Euro pallets, four industrial pallets or two customer pallets - which have the dimensions of two double-length industrial pallets. Many pallets have a large overhang due to the different loads. They are conveyed onto the transfer carriages in batches of four by chain conveyors and then transported away again.

Better safe than sorry: sensors prevent collisions

The engineers at BINDER have designed the transfer carriages to be intrinsically safe, so that collisions with obstacles such as crossing forklifts are ruled out. The trolleys are supplied with power via a conductor line on the ceiling at a height of four and a half meters. This supplies the axle drive located directly on the wheels. Each of the two transfer carriages transports up to 160 pallets per hour.

Solution from BINDER convinces

The possible alternative to the transfer carriages was to combine an ascending conveyor with a drawbridge or an automated guided vehicle system (AGV). However, the implementation using the BINDER transfer carriages was convincing due to several arguments, whereby the economic efficiency and the relatively simple but safe type of transport were the main reasons for this design.

technical facts

transport goods

  • euro pallets
  • industrial pallets
  • customer pallets (special size)


  • finished goods from corrugated cardboard production


  • low conveying height (350 mm)
  • throughput approx. 160 pallets/h
  • intrinsically safe design